Our Services

General dentist services


Routine care includes dental exams, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, X-rays, treatment planning and smile analysis.

orthodontal dentist services


Choose our Orthodontics, Periodontics, Implants, and Surgery options to ensure you have a great smile and releive some pain like headaches and facial pains.

Teeth whitening services


Help improve your smile with our whitening or bleaching service, bonding, or veneers. We can make your smile as right as it used to be.



A new service that accommodates to patients with concerns of painful procedures or overall fears or anxiety during dental visits.

What Our Patients Say

"My first visit at Papania Dental was impressive. The facilities were very clean, the staff were all friendly, and we talked in length about my extensive dental history. They even have TVs on the ceiling."

Katie Bailey

"This is the best dentist's office I have been to. They show a genuine interest in my well-being."

Tom Isham

"Dr. Papania has performed several dental procedures for me and I have always had a very positive experience with him. Papania Family Dental has a friendly and professional staff."
